Thursday, January 14, 2016

Light basics and Photography

For each technique you should explain the following: 
  • 1. What effect does it create?
  • 2. Why use it?
  • 3. How many lights or light sources?

The Five Basic Lighting Techniques

Butterfly (or Paramount) -- 
Loop -- 
  1. a structure, series, or process the end of which is connected to the beginning.
Rembrandt --
An adjective used to describe something dead cool and classic.
 Split --
Type of range- finder in which the image is divided in two ways 
Broad and Short --
refers to when the main light illuminates the side of the face that is turned away from the camera.
Fill light
 light used to eliminate or soften shadows caused by the main source of illumination.Key light.
Hair light
has a lot more definition, interest, and color Background light
infrared, utraviolet and high speedHard light
Soft light
Little bit of light
Grey card
s a middle gray reference, typically used together with a reflective light meter, as a way to produce consistent image exposure and/or color in film andphotographyReflector
one that diffuses: as a : a device (as a reflector) for distributing the light of a lamp evenly
(Strength, or how to set shutter speed and aperture's appropriate to portraits)

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