Friday, January 16, 2015

Photoshop Intro

1. Who uses Photoshop? (What kinds of jobs do they have?)

Photographers . designers , videographers
2. List THREE TOOLS (or purposes) that photographers use in Photoshop? (Watch the video a couple of times to get the full list.)

1. Applying Cool effects
2. Remove Unwanted things
3. Manipulating type
3. What are TWO EXAMPLES of other things you can use the latest version (Creative Cloud) of Photoshop to do?
1.Designing the background of the texture

Monday, January 12, 2015

Best Portrait

This is Adrian making a pose for the shot and the background is the road and the other side of campus.


Football field becuase that seems like a beautiful place to take a picture of my backround will be trees or the goal post

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Caption Introduction

Subject (Who) Protesters
Verb:A march for Micheal brown

Date: August 20, 2014 05:11:08 PM
Place: Ferguson, MISSOURI, United States

Why:This guy got shot by a police officer.

Subject (Who):Dr. Rick Sacra

 Date: September 26, 2014 07:19:34 AM
Place: Worcester, MASSACHUSETTS, United States


Why:he Survived ebola

Who):Alot of people
Verb:Buried Snow
Date: February 14, 2014 04:31:49 AM
Place: Albany, NEW YORK, United States

How: From the ecosystem

(Who):the people in the school or in street
Date:July 29, 2014 04:19:18 PM
Place: Los Angeles, CALIFORNIA, United States

Why:because the pipe broke when water was passing by

(Who):SGT. Leroy petry
Verb:Medal Of Honor
Date: April 02, 2014 04:08:36 AM
Place: Olympia, WASHINGTON, United States

Why:he threw a grenade back to save everyone

Who):Two young girl
Date: June 18, 2014 06:37:45 AM
Place:: Nogales, ARIZONA, United States

Why:they don't  u like their home or they want a better education.


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The girls and the boys are playing in the yard and it looks like thy are having fun and having a good time they are playing jumprope.

This guy lost his arm by fighting in the war for us to defend us from not getting attacked by tourist
they gave this guy a fake arm because he does not deserve what happened to him.

His partner in justice just died and they are having a funeral for him and the dog knows that he died the dog love him more than a partner just to fight crime .

For Christmas break the think that i will remember will be a present that means a lot to me  it was some columbia retro 11 shoes.

im gonna start running more.

Im looking forward to have a lot of money by the end of 2015 .

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