Monday, February 29, 2016

Family Preview

1. Whose family will you photograph?
my family

2. Where will you shoot?
At my house

3. What type of lighting will you use?
Flash if i need but light

4. What equipment will you need?

5. What challenges will you encounter?
6. How will you deal with these challenges?

use what i already know

7. Post an example for inspiration for your shoot. Explain what you like about the photo and how you will attempt to emulate or use for inspiration.
i will make them pose how ever it looks good

Pet Preview

1. What type of pet will you photography?
A dog

2. Where will you shoot?
my backyard

3. What type of lighting will you use?

4. What equipment will you need?

5. What challenges will you encounter?

6. How will you overcome these challenges?
use what i already know

7. Post an example for inspiration for your shoot. Explain what you like about the photo and how you will attempt to emulate or use for inspiration.

I wanna show how my dog personality is and how happy he is when he is playing with me

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

HDR Photography

Step 2

1.High Dynamic Range

2. In your own words, explain what makes an HDR photo an HDR photo?
it automatically creates 2-3 filters other than the original picture.
3. What is bracketing?
technique of taking several shots of the same subject using different camera settings.
4. What software can you use to produce an HDR image?
single RAW Photo Enhancement
5. When selecting layers, what do you have to be careful about when creating your HDR photos?
to not go to the extreme and combine dozens of photos leaving every pixel of the photo well exposed
6. Save your favorite HDR photo on your blog.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Landscape photo

Lines give an image depth, scale and can be a point of interest in and of themselves by creating patterns in your shot.

Step 2

  • Depth of field
  • composition
  • the gold hour

       Step 3

Step 4   


Wide lens

Step 5

I will take my pictures in Kendra Park in the back where there is a duck pond i think it will be a perfect spot.